Course packages

Mathematics 1.1 course

Video introduction to the course

A basic course for children aged 4 to 6 years. By the end of the course, the child will develop an interest in knowledge, and improve their attention, memory, speech, and mental operations.

Children will learn to:
  • compare and contrast the main colors and shades;
  • count to ten forwards and backwards;
  • distinguish between cardinal and ordinal numbers up to ten;
  • name the previous and following number for each numeral, and continue counting forwards and backwards from any given number;
  • compare neighboring numbers (up to ten);
  • use basic mathematical signs;
  • design short math problems;
  • solve simple math problems involving money (a trip to the store).

Children will be able to:
  • identify and compare the features of different objects and phenomena, using a variety of examination methods;
  • recognize 2D and 3D elements and shapes
  • orient themselves in space (up, down, in front, behind, between, next to, left, right); compare spatial orientations (higher than, lower than, to the left of, to the right of, above, below, closer than, further than, inside);
  • concentrate on the object under study;
  • solve non-standard logical problems.
Number of classes:
7 months
from 4 years
Mathematics 1.2 course

Video introduction to the course

A continuation of the Mathematics 1.1 Foundation Course. It is designed for children aged 5 to 7 years, who can count and solve sums up to 10, and know the difference between the main spatial, temporal, and geometric concepts. The program focuses on counting to 20, performing one-digit addition and subtraction, using a ruler to measure things, as well as improving concentration, and developing logical thinking.

Children will learn to:
  • count to twenty and know the number order;
  • distinguish between cardinal and ordinal numbers up to twenty;
  • be able to name the previous and the next number for each numeral, continue counting forward and backward from any given number;
  • compare neighboring numbers (up to twenty);
  • know number compositions (up to twenty);
  • solve simple one-digit sums using worksheets;
  • create simple sums using visual material;
  • work out ways to solve a problem;
  • understand and solve simple problems using money in "A trip to the store" (up to 20);
  • measure geometric shapes using a ruler, such as a segment, sides of a triangle, quadrangle (square, rectangle), and distance between objects;
  • understand and distinguish between mathematical concepts, such as area, volume and mass;
  • recognize and set the time on analog and digital watches, calculate time intervals;
  • correlate the time on a watch to a part of the day;
  • solve logical problems.
Number of classes:
7 months
from 5 years
Mathematics 2 course

Video introduction to the course

It is designed for children aged 6 to 8 years. It is suitable for children who can easily count to 20, use a ruler to measure things, and have an understanding of time, including using a clock. The program covers more complex mathematical material, and children also learn to solve non-standard logical problems.

Children will learn to:
  • count to one hundred and place each ten in order;
  • add and subtract with crossing the next ten;
  • perform multiplication and division using object material (up to 20);
  • draw flat geometric figures: straight line, segment, sides of a triangle, quadrangles (square, rectangle);
  • calculate time intervals;
  • find and compare areas of geometric shapes, object volumes and weight;
  • solve non-standard logical problems, complete exercises to develop their attention and memory.
Number of classes:
12 months
from 6 years
Mathematics 3

Video introduction to the course

Course for Children Who Can Already Add and Subtract Two-Digit Numbers, as Well as Have Basic Understanding of Multiplication and Division.

After completing the course, the child will learn how to:
  • count up to 1000, add and subtract three-digit numbers;
  • multiplying and dividing numbers within 1000;
  • solve letter expressions and first equations;
  • perform geometric constructions using a ruler and compass;
  • analyze and create a plan to solve word problems in three steps;
  • measure lengths and distances, determine mass, area and volume of figures, work with units of time and the concept of price;
  • solve non-standard problems on logic, develop attention and memory.
Number of classes:
7 months
from 8 years

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